Andrei Paun
Graduated in clinical engineering in 2019 at "La Sapienza" University of Rome. I chose to continue my studies in Biomedical Engineering in the same university. For my master thesis, I worked with the ARPG group on the subject of radiation therapy with high energy electrons (VHEE).
Carmela Truscelli
I graduated in Medical Engineering in 2019 from the University of Rome Tor Vergata. I chose to continue my studies in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Rome La Sapienza. I worked with the ARPG group for the realization of my thesis, based on the study of very high energy electrons (VHEEs).
Veronica De Liso
I graduated in Medical Engineering in 2019 at University of Rome Tor Vergata. I chose to continue my studies in Biomedical Engineering at University of Rome La Sapienza. I worked with the ARPG group for the realization of my thesis. My goal was to study the Intraoperative Radiation Therapy with electrons (IOeRT).
Marco Bon
I graduated in physics in 2019 at University of Rome La Sapienza. I chose to continue my studies in Particle and Astroparticle Physics at the same university. I worked with the ARPG group for the realization of my thesis. My goal was to study the fragmentation cross section in the FOOT (FragmentatiOn Of Target) experiment relevant for particle therapy.
Valentina Romaniello
I graduated in Clinical Engineering in 2019 at Sapienza University of Rome. I continued my studies in Biomedical Engineering at the same University and chose to work on an experimental thesis with the ARPG. My thesis focused on the feasibility of a new radiotherapy treatment with Very High Energy Electrons (VHEE) for head-and-neck tumors
Eleonora Candilera
I graduated in Clinical Engineering at Sapienza University of Rome in 2019. I continued my studies in Biomedical Engineering at the same university. For my thesis, I worked on the ReSPECT project focusing on measures and characterisation of organic scintillators doped with high Z elements for SPECT imaging applications.
Arianna Cerqua
I graduated in Clinical Engineering at Sapienza University of Rome in 2019. I continued my studies in Biomedical Engineering at the same university and developed my Master's thesis within the ARPG (Applied Radiation Physics Group) group. My thesis focuses on the development of an innovative planning system for the IOeRT technique, in particular for breast cancer.
Gabriele Giacchi
I graduated in Clinical Engineering at Sapienza University of Rome in 2019. I pursued my studies with a Master degree in Biomedical Engineering at the same university. Currently, I’m working on my Master thesis in cooperation with the ARPG “Applied Radiation Physic Group”. My thesis is focused on the Dose Profiler project created for inter-fractional monitoring in hadron therapy. In particular, we’ll try to evaluate the sensitivity of the technique.
Patrizia De Matria NOW WORKING AT Marrelli Hospital Center (Crotone)
I graduated in Physics at Pisa university "Università di Pisa" in 2018, working on the characterization of the dE/dx-TOF detector prototype for the FOOT experiment and on the first fragment identification measurements with the same detector, in collaboration with the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN). Since 2019 I attended a specialization course in Medical Physics at Policlinico Umberto I di Roma and at the same time I collaborated with the Dipartimento di Scienze di Base ed Applicate per l'Ingegneria (SBAI) for my research activity on the implementation of the electron and photon transport in FRED (a fast-MC), the implementation of an optimizer for the treatment planning based on MC simulation, and on the possible application of the FLASH-RT with electrons in the clinical practice.
I am currently working as a specialist in Medical Physics in the radiotherapy department of the Marrelli Hospital Center in Crotone. I am in charge of planning treatment plans and managing the linear accelerator.
Giulia Mariani NOW WORKING AT SIT (Sordina IORT Technologies S.p.A.) mail
After my Bachelor degree in Clinical Engineering at Sapienza University of Rome in 2018, I pursued my studies with the Master degree in Biomedical Engineering at the same university. My Master thesis, in the ARPG “Applied Radiation Physic Group” was focused on the feasibility study for an innovative SPECT detector with high-Z organic scintillators.
Currently, I am working at SIT(Sordina IORT Thechnologies S.p.A)
Irene Egidi
After my Bachelor degree in Clinical Engineering at Sapienza University of Rome in 2018, I pursued my studies with the Master degree in Biomedical Engineering at the same university. My Master thesis, in cooperation with the ARPG “Applied Radiation Physic Group”, is focused on the Dose Profiler project created for inter-fractional monitoring in hadron therapy.
Damiana Rubeca
After my Bachelor degree in Clinical Engineering at Sapienza University of Rome in 2018, I pursued my studies with the Master degree in Biomedical Engineering at the same university. My Master Thesis, in cooperation with the ARPG “Applied Radiation Physic Group”, was focused on the feasibility study of a deep cancer FLASH therapy treatment with electrons of high energy (VHEE).
After my bachelor degree in Physics at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” in 2018, I have studied Particle Physics at the same university. I worked on my Master thesis with the ARPG “Applied Radiation Physics Group” and I choose a thesis focused on PAPRICA experiment: an innovative device for prompt-gamma detection in particle therapy applications. Currently, I am attending the specialization school in medical physics at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”.
Federica Galante NOW WORKING AT SIT (Sordina IORT Technologies S.p.A.)
I graduated in Clinical Engineering at Rome University "La Sapienza” in November 2017. Then I have studied Biomedical Engineering in the same university. My Master thesis, in cooperation with the ARPG “Applied Radiation Physic Group”, was focused on the study of inter-fractional monitoring in particle therapy with the Dose Profiler detector.
Alessandro Bochetti
I graduated in Physics at Rome University "La Sapienza” in 2017. Then I have studied Particle Physics in the same university. My Master thesis, with the ARPG “Applied Radiation Physics Group”, was focused on MONDO experiment and on the sensor characterization.
Benedetta Di Lullo
After completing a Bachelor degree in Clinical Engineering at Sapienza University of Rome in 2017, I pursued my studies with the Master degree in Biomedical Engineering at the same university. M y Master Thesis, with the ARPG “Applied Radiation Physic Group”, was focusing on the Dose Profiler project created for inter-fractional monitoring in hadron therapy.
After my bachelor degree in Physics at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” in 2018, I have studied Particle Physics in the same university. Considering my great interest for Physics applied to Medicine I choose a thesis focused on FOOT experiment, in particular on fragments identification, using the software Shoe, and on the study of a trigger method. Currently, I am attending the specialization school in medical physics.
Federica Salvati mail
Graduated in Clinical Engineering at "La Sapienza" University of Rome in 2017, I am a Biomedical Engineering student at the same university. My Master thesis, in cooperation with the ARPG “Applied Radiation Physics Group”, was focused on the study of Bremsstrahlung radiation and the implementation of the electron behaviour in the software Fred.

Actually she works as a researcher at the National Cancer Institute of Milan. Her activity mainly focuses on developing new dosimetric descriptors to improve the predictive modeling of toxicities following radiotherapy
Fabio Bellini
Researcher of the Dept of Physics of the University of Rome La Sapienza. Graduated in 2000 the KLOE experiment, he spent his PhD in the Babar experiment working on the Flavour Changinf Neutral Currents rare decays. Since 2007 he is devoted to the search of the Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay within the CUORE and LUCIFER experiments.
He's working on the proton production induced by Laser Plasma Accelerated electrons on target.
Luca Piersanti NOW AT INFN LNF (post-doc)
Graduated in Medical Physics in Naples with a thesis on a prototype of Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) for small animals imaging. Then she started a PhD in the same field, spending one of the three years at Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics of Czech Technical University of Prague. She worked on a prototype of a Computed Tomography (CT) for small animals imaging, exploiting phase contrast imaging and comparing different imaging detectors. After the PhD she worked for 3 years in Livorno’s Hospital, with a grant from Tuscany Region to set-up and run a Calibration Centre for Ionizing Radiations. Her work has been accredited from the Italian Primary Metrological Institute, ACCREDIA/ENEA. In the mean time, she studied to achieve the title of Medical Physicist in Pisa University. From August 2013 she joined the Applied Radiation Physics Group andworked for one year to develop a dose monitor prototype for hadrontherapic treatments.
Martina Senzacqua
I studied Biomedical Engineering at Rome University "Sapienza", I graduated in March, 2013.
My thesis work, carried out in the ARPG group, has been performed in the framework of the TOP-Implart project, whose purpose is the realization of a hadrontherapy center at the National Cancer Institute Regina Elena, IFO. I studied, by means of Monte Carlo simulations with the FLUKA code, the distribution of the dose released by particles escaping from the beampipe in the environment where the linear accelerator will be installed, and I evaluated the efficiency of several shielding systems.
I have been a PhD student in accelerator physics at the Department of Physics of the University of Rome "Sapienza " and I have worked on the optimization of laser-plasma acceleration techniques, for a possible use in hadronterapy.
In particular, my PhD work focused on the study of the photoproduction process obtained by the impact of high-energy electron beam on solid target and of the characteristics of the proton beam produced by this interaction.
Alessandro Cicchetti NOW AT ISTITUTO NAZIONALE TUMORI (Mi) as Data Manager
Young research physicist with 3-year experience in model building and validation of predictive modelling of radiation induced toxicity. He is currently working at National Cancer Institute of Milan.
His research activity began in the field of high-energy particle physics, where he acquired deep knowledge of the techniques for the analysis and modelling of complex multi-variable systems. During his thesis, he focused his studies on the field of applied physics to medicine, particularly on the possibility to develop a new compact machine for hadron-therapy.
His present activity is mainly focused on the analysis of the side effects after prostate cancer radiotherapy treatment. He is involved in national (DUE-01 & DUE-02 trial) and international collaboration on modelling of gastrointestinal toxicities (REQUITE project from European Community and Karolinska Hospital, Stockholm) and genitourinary toxicities (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre, New York).
Since 2015 he works in the validation of previously published model of intestinal and urinary radioinduced toxicities, including also a process of integration of factors coming from imaging derived features and gene-expression profile. He is now attending the physics PhD school of University of Pavia, where he is developing a new Monte Carlo simulation model for chromosomal aberration.
Andrea Russomando NOW AT Departamento de Fisica, Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Marıa, Valparaiso, Chile
I studied particle physics at the University “La Sapienza” in Rome.I graduated with a thesis that is about the calibration of the CMS calorimeter at Cern. Now I am taking my Ph.D. in the CHIRONE experiment, finalized to the creation of an intraoperative beta- probe, an useful tool for surgeons in order to minimize the healthy tissue that is removed after the extraction of the tumor mass.
I was a particle physics student and I am oriented towards the medical physics field. My Master thesis was about the reconstruction software of a dose profiler for hadrontherapy treatments.
I was a biomedical engineering student at Roma University "Sapienza" and i graduated in 2010 in clinical engineering.
My master thesis was about the possible use of the beta probe during radio-guided surgery on brain tumours, like meningiomas and gliomas.
Elisabetta Verdolino NOW Dirigente fisico medico ASL Taranto, presidio ospedaliero S. G. Moscati
I joined the ARPG group in March 2016. I am currently working on FOOT experiment (FragmentatiOn Of Target). This experiment aims for a precise determination of the contribution to the RBE in proton treatments of the fragmentation induced by the primary beam that interacts with the patient body in the entrance channel. My work is based on the study of the measurement of the production of fragments with very low energy, and very short range (few tens of microns) and also on the feasibility study of an approach based on the measurement of the inverse kinematic reaction and the discussion of the needed experimental resolution on the fragments four-momentum.
Debora Giovagnoli NOW Postdoc at the IPHC, Strasburg
I joined the ARPG group in 2016. As a graduating student I worked on the realization of a phoswich detector for the FOOT experiment. My work has been used to assess the feasibility of the implementation of such technology in FOOT, in order to fulfill the requirements on the precision of fragmentation cross sections needed for hadrontherapy applications.
Now I am a postDoc at IPHC (Strasburg).